Very nice! If you actually go to higher education to LEARN something, I think it is true that often doesn't work out. I suppose in a lot of fields learning something useful is essential! But in a lot of fields you CAN learn all you need to learn online, or from other sources.

Forty five years ago I had a similar decision to make while working toward my MM degree...and I decided to leave and drive to Hollywood to pursue a career in film music instead. Even though there was nothing I could learn about that field at a formal master's degree program (well, some, but not a lot) I have regretted that decision to this day! I only had a year to go so it was a bit different than your experience. I love school as well, so that is a difference...I think of "degree pursuing" education as a lesson in perseverance as well as a lesson in HOW to learn. But that's just me. I know that isn't true for everyone.

I now have a PhD in psychology (not music!) which I received after five years of formal graduate school...which I started when I was 50! A true glutton for punishment! (BTW, had a very successful 30 year career in film music!--learned on the street...)

Of course the internet didn't exist 45 years ago, so that makes a difference! Anyway, I'll shut up! Loved your article and congratulations to you for making the right decision putting yourself first!! (BTW, my parents went ballistic as well when I told them I was chucking the masters and headed to Hollywood!!)

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Wow! Just seeing this now Todd. It looks like you're living life on your terms.

Wishing you happiness and love 💕

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Interesting list of learning materials. I've read or watched a number of them before learning of this list. Definitely going to consider more options.

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Are there any resources you would recommend? You can share here

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Well aside from my own stuff which goes through some of the philosophical concepts behind various film and TV shows...


I would highly recommend two related sites:

https://aeon.co and its sister site https://psyche.co

They go through all kinds of philosophical arguments. Aeon is more broad covering history to social media and beyond. Psyche focuses on the mind specifically.

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